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Body Rhythm Dice

Aangezien niet meer als collectief opereert, verwijzen wij je voor bestellingen door naar de websites van de individuele leden. (links op de homepage).

Since no longer operates as a collective, we refer you to the websites of its individual members (see homepage)

This set contains nine wooden dice: four dice with six rhythmic patterns, four dice with six body sounds and one 'how to play' dice. Body Rhythm Dice can be used for education, as a rhythmic training tool or just for fun! Everytime you roll the dice, a new rhythm is created. Use them in your classroom, at work, at rehearsals or anywhere you need a new rhythm!

Watch the promo-video or the instruction video on this page to experience the endless possibilities. Click on the 'Manual (PDF)' button at the bottom of this page to download the instructions. The Body Rhythm Dice are manufactured at Bartiméus Boswijk Doorn, in a woodworking workshop for visually impaired people. The dice come in an cotton bag with an instruction card.

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